
Hey again! Have you heard about Pixton? If you haven't, you'll be informed about it after reading this post. Let's get started!

Pixton allows teachers and students to construct their own comic strips. There are a variety of comic strip layouts, numerous character and background choices, and a ton of creative options. This is a great learner-centered tool that allows students to construct their own knowledge and display it in a way that is meaningful to them by allowing them to create comics representing their concepts and ideas. For teachers, there are a ton of resources. You are able to create your own assignments or borrow from pre-existing ones. There are a variety of layouts to suit your instructional needs including timelines, mind maps, and storyboards. Pixton also allows for a lot of creativity. You can upload your own images for the background, you also have direct access to creative commons images. You can also create a virtual class and take a picture of it! This is an example class photo that you can have with your students thanks to pixton:

For inspiration, you can browse through the content packs, which address subjects ranging from math to history, science, and beyond. Each pack includes a brief intro to the theme and a short sample comic. In order to make use of such amazing tool, you can have your students summarize a scene, book or character by constructing a comic strip.


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