
 This one is for teachers who like to be organized when it comes to teaching. Padlet is an online board tool that helps to digitize your classroom. It makes the lesson more interactive and it also contributes to design the content. Let's have a quick look at what it offers to teachers and students: 

Padlet can be used by students and teachers to post notes on a common page. The notes posted by teachers and students can contain links, videos, images and document files. When you register with Padlet, you can create as many “walls” or online notice boards as you like.

Teachers and students can use Padlet to post notes on common wall. For example, as a teacher, you can add a post about yesterday's lesson (what did they learn, was it useful) with double click and you can ask your students to add their comments right below. Other than teachers, students can also add post which may include gifts, pictures, videos etc. Teachers can utilize 3 padlets for different lessons or topics, as they wish. The platform is best when you want to see what your class have done so far. Nowadays we're teaching/learning at home and teachers need such tools to enhance the learning in distance education. Students will be able to create a content and present it to the class, therefore, interactive learning environment will be provided thanks to Padlet. You can invite your students by sending them link or QR Code.

Here is a picture of my padlet to basically show you how it looks like.

You can click here to see my padlet that I created for my English class.

For more, I can recommend you to watch these videos:
