
Showing posts from March, 2021

Mind Maps

TPACK MODEL   TPACK represents  content knowledge ,  pedagogical knowledge , and  technical knowledge .  Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK)  is the knowledge that teachers have about their content and the knowledge that they have about how teach that specific content.  Technological Content Knowledge (TCK)  is the set of skills which teachers acquire to help identify the best technologies to support their students as they learn content.  Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK)  is the set of skills, identified by Mishra and Kohler in 2006, which teachers develop to identify the best technology to support a particular pedagogical approach.    Click here  to visit the website of the mind map above. SAMR MODEL T he  S ubstitution  A ugmentation  M odification  R edefinition Model offers a method of seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning. Substitution means replacing traditional activities and materials with digital versions. For example,   s caning your less